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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. 

Please read on for more about what we will be focusing on in each subject.


Paddington goes to town – We will learn about creating humour through the characters actions and dialogue and write our own Paddington Bear story based on one of the old films.

Until I met Dudley – We will learn about the structure and language features of an explanation text and mimic these to write our own imaginary (and real) explanations.

After half-term, we will study different forms of poetry and learn about descriptive writing in an ‘overcoming the monster’ story called ‘Mimi and the Dragon’.

There will be daily handwriting and spelling practice and a set of spellings to learn each week, given on Friday and assessed the following Friday.

Daily times table practise – starting with doubling and then the 2x table.

It is important that children practise their times tables regularly to support their learning in class.

Unit 1 – We will review column addition and column subtraction from Year 3, as well as work on mental strategies for addition and subtraction.

Unit 2 – We will explore numbers up to 10,000 by adding and subtracting multiples of 100, ordering numbers, rounding numbers, calculating with four- digit number.


We will have daily whole class reading sessions, where we will focus on vocabulary, inference, predictions, explaining, retrieving, summarising and sequencing using a combination of the class book and a weekly text.
This term, our class read will be the classic ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis.

We ask you to support your child’s learning by listening to him/her read every night. We would also recommend that you enjoy reading a longer, high-quality text to your child.


In Science, we will develop key scientific skills through hands-on, investigative sessions studying two topics this term:
1) Electricity

2) States of Matter.


In our unit "The Maya", we will explore the ancient Mayan civilisation through looking at primary and secondary sources, determining their reliability, and forming our own opinions on the Mayan society. We will explore the links between Ancient Mayan technology and current society and look at what happened to the Ancient Mayans in 900 AD.


In our unit ‘The Americas’, we will travel the North and South American continents, and distinguish between the terms ‘continent’, ‘region’, ‘country’, ‘state’, and ‘city’ along the journey. Finding and using images and maps on the internet and in atlases, we will make notes on cities and record their countries and/or states. They will compare the built environments and settings of the cities and, through them, identify some key regions of the American continents.


This term we will be exploring:

Chrisitanity - What do Christians learn from the creation story?

Judaism - How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?


In our first unit ‘Je me presente’, we will learn how to read, write and say our numbers from 11-20 In French, say where we live, what our nationality Is and say our age.

After half-term we move on to explore our family In our unit "La famille". We will learn the nouns for family members In French, answer questions about our family In French and begin to learn our numbers up to 100.


In Computing, we will be studying two units:

The Internet -we will be learning what makes up the Internet as well as checking the validity of what Is published

Audio editing – we will be looking at creating media and audio editing.


We will explore pop music through the works of Abba. We will identify some of the key features of Abba's music, learn a song from memory and learn how to play a musical instrument alongside an Abba song.

We will seek to develop the children’s singing voices ready for the Harvest and then Christmas performances.

Art and DT 

We will be studying two units:

Drawing – we will explore how we can create sequenced imagery to share and tell stories by studying the illustrations of Laura Carlin.

Cooking and Nutrition - we will learn about a healthy and varied diet and design, make and evaluate a healthy snack that contains a balance of the different food groups.


We will explore 3 main areas around the theme of Relationships:
Families and friendships. Positive friendship, including online.

Safe relationships. Responding to hurtful behaviour. Managing confidentiality. Recognising risks online.

Respecting ourselves and others Respecting differences and similarities. Discussing difference sensitively


PE will be run by Achieve4All on a Monday and by Mrs Hitchcock on a Friday. Please ensure you have the correct kit on these days.

Unit 1 - Invasion games - Netball

Unit 2 - Gymnastics – Bridges