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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3. Please read more about what we will be focusing on in each subject.


Grendel – We will learn about the structure of a Wishing Tale and will write our own using dialogue and different sentence types.

Meerkat Mail – We will learn about voyage and return plots and write
our own using time adverbials, the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘when’ and the possessive apostrophe.
After half-term, we will move on to information books using a non-fiction book, ‘Penguins’ and then some poetry. There will be daily handwriting and spelling practice and a set of spellings to learn each week, given on Friday and assessed the following Friday.


Daily times table practise – starting with doubling and then the 2x table.
It is important that children practise their number bonds and times tables regularly to support their learning in class.

Unit 1 - A recap of number bonds to 10 and how to use these to add and subtract across 10. Unit 2 – We will explore numbers to 100, and then 1,000, with focus on place value, mental addition and subtraction, ordering and measure.


We will have daily whole class reading sessions, where we will focus on vocabulary, inference, predictions, explaining, retrieving, summarising and sequencing using a combination of the class book and a weekly text.

We ask you to support your child’s learning by listening to him/her read every night. We would also recommend that you enjoy reading a longer, high-quality text to your child.


In Science, we will develop key scientific skills through hands-on, investigative sessions studying two topics this term:
1) Animals including humans – nutrition, skeletons and muscles

2) Rocks, fossils and soils


This term, the children will explore how life changed for people during the Stone Age. They will learn why the period was called the Stone Age, and about archaeological evidence in the form of artefacts and monuments.


This term, we will be learning about world climate zones and biomes. We will learn about the main world climate zones and their distinctive climate, soil, flora, fauna and human activity.


This term we will be exploring:

Chrisitanity - exploring the significance of the Trinity.

Hinduism - discovering how Hindus describe God, exploring the variety of Hindu deities


We will begin our learning by thinking about France and other French- speaking countries and their culture, alongside starting to develop our speaking and listening skills to meet and greet people.


We will be learning about the key musical elements with an intial focus on R&B. We will seek to develop the children’s singing voices ready for the Harvest and then Christmas performances.


In Computing, we will be studying two units: Connecting Computers –digital devices and networks. Stop-frame animation – using imotion.

Art and DT.

We will be studying two units: Drawing–We will use gestural drawing with charcoal, exploring cave art and the work of Edgar Degas. Food – We will explore what constitutes a healthy and varied diet and design a healthy snack.