International Arts Week
International Arts Week
International Arts Week was a phenomenal success.
International Arts Week
International Arts Week was a phenomenal success. The children enjoyed spending the week learning a traditional story from their chosen country and especially enjoyed the chance to present it to their parents through song, music, drama or painting in our special end of week celebration assembly. Massive thanks to Sam MacKenzie for volunteering to teach every child the Haka, from reception to year 6.
They LOVED it!
Huge thanks to all the visiting artists providing African drumming lessons and mosaic workshops. A special thanks to Miss George for organising the week. Finally, thanks to the PTA for funding the visiting artists and all those parents who made voluntary contributions on parentpay. Without the PTA and the generosity of parents giving their time and money to PTA fundraising, we would not be able to provide some of these special opportunities for all the children. Thank you.
Allan from Shamba Arts provided drumming workshops with children from Year 1 to Year 6. The children were introduced to djembes and many other percussion instruments from Africa. The workshop included an introduction and warm ups, call and response, songs, learning polyrhythms and bringing everyone into the drum circle.
Michelle McQuinn is a local mosaic artist who worked with classes 3 and 5 to create an outdoor mosaic that expresses our school motto. The piece was created from the children's own designs over two days in which children worked in small groups with Michelle. We are looking forward to displaying it next half term.
We learnt about New Zealand and more specifically the New Zealand Haka- “Ka Mate”
We discussed why the haka is important to contemporary New Zealanders and it’s origins in Moari
tradition. We talked about how the haka can serve as both a challenge, a welcome and how it can provide spiritual protection. The children agreed that it can show strength and unity whilst being funny and scary! Lastly we talked about being connected to ourselves, to the people near us and to people who have come before us, our ancestors.
All the students and teachers learnt the actions and completed a “Haka off” with the students with the scariest, bulgiest eyes, longest tongues and best haka winning team points.
Well done to all the students and teachers who got involved! Mihi ōkawa
Sam McKenzie
Ka Mate Haka
Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!
Ka mate! ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!
Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru
Nāna nei i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā
Ā, upane! ka upane!
Ā, upane, ka upane, whiti te ra!
English translation of the Ka Mate Haka
‘Tis death! ‘Tis death! (or: I may die) Tis life! Tis life! (or: I may live)
Tis death! Tis death! Tis life! Tis life!
This is the man
Who brought the sun and caused it to shine
A step upward, another step upward!
A step upward, another... the sun shines!